Thursday, 18 May 2017

Full House Lottery Suffers its Third Security Mishap this Year
The 23,000 customers who purchased digital lottery tickets from Edmonton’s Full House Lottery from February 23rd to May 2nd are being warned that the names and addresses on their credit cards may have been stolen by hackers who infiltrated the website.

Not only are these ticket buyers affected, but the over 5000 that purchased house raffle tickets are also at risk. This occurrence followed a similar credit card information exposure on February 22nd, and nearly one month before that, a separate incident allowed hackers to see a digital list of past ticket buyers.

Taking preventive measures, Full House Lottery temporarily stopped their digital ticket counter and transferred the transactions to a safe server. Soon afterward, the police force got involved, and all customers received apology emails.

It’s possible that hackers collected all information from several cards, including each code and expiration date. Buyers who have detected suspicious activity related to their bank accounts should notify their branch as soon as possible to prevent further financial abuse.

Most affected consumers were patient and understanding upon discovering their personal information had been compromised, though lottery officials are wondering how it will affect ticket sales, the money from which is donated to health organizations in need.

Full House Lottery and its loyalists should exercise caution going forward, and the foundation should look into protecting both itself and the people it serves. 

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